117-119 Central Avenue: Taking advantage of the generosity of Paul & Mary Ann Darr, DCOS purchased the property with the objective of establishing a health clinic. Original plans did not work out, but things are beginning to come together to bring this objective to fruition. There has been extensive remodeling within the building: air conditioning added in a portion, new offices, etc. Plans are for this property to also be the offices of DCOS.
East North Front Sreet: You should have seen the side of the building before DCOS had it painted during a downtown clean-up and fix-up project.
213 Central Avenue: This building was purchased at a bargain price and the following were added: a porch, awnings, brick facade, additional air conditioning. It was placed on DCOS owned property and has become an asset to the town and its occupants.
Memorial Park: DCOS was responsible for renovating the old Boy Scout building, which was in total disrepair. Other additions have been made to the park through donations, individual efforts in the form of trees, playground equipment, new signs, the town's Christmas Tree, and the memorial brick beautification project.
Central Avenue: The awning on this building and paint and repairs to the front were a result of a Downtown Clean-up and facade program. DCOS did not participate financially in this improvement. Property is owned by Texas Building Products.
Strawn Chamber of Commerce | 123 Central Ave. | P.O. Box 278 | Strawn, Texas 76475 | 254-595-0197
Copyright ©2025 Strawn Chamber of Commerce, Strawn Booster Club, Development Corporation of Strawn, Strawn Museum, Palo Pinto Mountains State Park Partners. All rights reserved.